Helen at her school party, about to hunt eggs.
This is the day I started feeling really bad so there aren't nearly as many pictures as I would like, but what do you do? I woke up Saturday (before Easter) with a headache. We were having a yard sale that morning with Chris's parents and one of his sisters. Also, we had our egg hunt with the church that morning, which Chris and I were in charge of. Then, after that, we were going to color eggs at Chris's parents house with the family. AND I still had to make the girls' Easter dresses. Helen was insistent. Besides, as a little girl, you've gotta have a new dress for Easter morning, right? So startng the day off with a headache was NOT on the list of things to do that day! Well, I just went downhill from there. The egg hunt was at 11 and I wasn't feeling too badly at this point. We were doing lunch first. I started feeling worse and worse. I'm told I was kinda short with some people and I am very sorry, I didn't mean to be. I tried to sit down most of the time, but it didn't really help. At the end, my wonderful husband and some of the other great people there cleaned everything up. By now, I was feeling pretty nauseated, had a horrible headache, rough cough, my back and mouth and throat were hurting - I was in bad shape. I was on the way to the bathroom and walked past the room where the communion is prepared and I noticed the trays were still empty. I was thinking "somebody hasn't done it yet." Then I realized that someone was me. Helen and I were supposed to do it. I went and grabbed her and we got busy. Thankfully, and I don't know who it was but I was so very thankful, someone had already done half of the juice and had all the cups in the trays. HUGE time saver. Helen started the doilies for the bread and I started filling cups. When she finished, she took over the juice and I put my head down. We finished in record time! I tried to sleep when we got home, but it was just too noisy. I felt so bad, I thought I was coming down with the flu. I felt even worse now. I decided I was going to skip the egg coloring and rest in quiet. I finally got enough tylenol in me I felt a tiny bit better and decided I better get started on their dresses. Yes, I know I shouldn't have waited til last minute, but that's just how I do sometimes! It took my WAY longer than it should have to finish those dresses and they were definetly NOT my best work, but the girls were happy with them and that is all that mattered.
Her hair is starting to get so curly! Remind you of anyone?
Hope you're feeling better and this part passes soon!!! I'm so impressed with you making the girls dresses!! I need to learn to sew!!! :)